Florist Choice - Mikells Florist
Florist Choice - Mikells Florist

Florist Choice


A high quality flower arrangement with hydrangeas, garden roses and peonies is a stunning combination of large, full blooms in shades of pink, blue and white. The hydrangeas bring a sense of fullness and texture with their large round blooms, while the garden roses and peonies bring a touch of elegance and romance with their delicate petals and soft colors. This type of arrangement is typically hand-crafted by a skilled florist and features premium flowers that have been carefully selected for their size, shape and color. It is perfect for special occasions such as weddings or as a luxurious gift.

 Please Note:

Floral arrangements shown on our website are meant to convey the aesthetic and diversity used within the designs. We cannot guarantee exact duplication. If the flower of choice is out of season, similar flowers are used in its place. Please call our shop if you have any questions.