Peaches & Cremè Bouquet
Peaches & Cremè Bouquet from Mikell's Florist. This stunning arrangement features a mix of 25 Shimmer Peachy tone roses and 25 Vendela roses. The Shimmer Peachy tone roses have a delicate peach color and a shimmering finish, adding a touch of elegance to the bouquet. The Vendela roses are a classic white, providing a crisp and clean contrast to the peachy tones. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion, whether it be a romantic gesture or a special celebration. Order now and let Mikell's Florist bring a touch of beauty to your home or event.
Please Note:
Floral arrangements shown on our website are meant to convey the aesthetic and diversity used within the designs. We cannot guarantee exact duplication. If the flower of choice is out of season, similar flowers are used in its place. Please call our shop if you have any questions.
Life Expectancy
The life expectancy of fresh flowers varies depending on how they are kept and cared for after they are brought home. Cut flowers will generally last between 4 to 7 days depending on the type of blooms you have selected.
Frisco, Little Elm, Celina, Prosper Texas Delivery Available.